June 30, 2011

the anatomy of a shot - 25/52 - hollow me

Due to popular request (2 people asked *g*) I'm giving you a little insight on the images I used for my "hollow me" photo manipulation. It's no tutorial by any means, I just wanted to show you how I work photographing the components for a composition. And yeah, I'm well aware that I'm half naked...

Final image:

June 24, 2011

lazy ass blogger

Yeah, I know. I know that I promised to blog more regularely. But as it turns out I don't have much to say. Twitter account, Facebook account, Facebook fan-page. Everything has already been communicated somewhere. Kind of a dilemma, don't you think?

If you want to gain readers, you have to produce content. Interesting content if possible. Which leads me to the big question: what should I blog about? Should I blog more about my personal life? Hmm, I don't know. It's a blog about me and photography. So I wanted to keep it photography related. And there's not much happening on that regard right now. My 52 weeks project is ongoing and it's going very well. I'm overwhelmed by the mostly positive response and I'm thrilled to see through it until the end. I put my model photography on hold for the period of my project, but I'm starting to feel an urge to do something different again . Maybe no classic beauty/fashion stuff, but it would be nice to present someone other than me in the proper light again. I have some projects up my sleeve I could put into effect as soon as I'm ready to. But I don't feel ready yet...

Well, of course I could do one or another tutorial about the making of one of my weekly pictures. But since I'm working on those for at least 2 or 3 evenings a week there would be almost no time left for anything else. Don't get me wrong. I love to share my knowledge with others as much as I enjoy others sharing their knowledge with me. But it's simply a matter of time. I planned to do a tutorial for a very long time now. No matter if written or on video. And I will. I promise. Probably during my next vacation in August, when I can spend some extra time on my hobby. And it will be published right here on this blog.

In the meantime, don't defect. Stay tuned. There will be more to read. Eventually... :-)